English Teddy Bear
goldendoodlesOur Goldendoodles stem from the English Golden Retriever and Poodle. They are intelligent, friendly, and family oriented. A highly social dog, they are always ready to play. Being scent driven, a fenced-in yard is recommended. Most Goldendoodles retain the natural retrieving instincts of the Golden Retriever and Poodle - YES the poodle is a water retriever. The Goldendoodle’s friendliness with strangers makes it a poor watchdog, however, they make great family companions. They love children as well as other pets and are extremely intelligent and generally easily trained - with some exceptions to this rule.
English Golden RetreiverAll of our Goldendoodles stem from Europe, parents are from long health tested champion lines. Knowing your lines is the key to a healthy breeding program. As a breeder you have to know your dogs linage as health issues are passed down from previous generations. This is why we import our breeding stock from Europe, as their pedigrees are clearly defined and traceable. Carefully analyzing the pedigree of a mom and dad before making the decision to breed them, greatly improves the chances for healthy offspring.
A puppy is a big commitment, financially and emotionally. We are committed to breeding the healthiest dogs possible. To ensure your puppy has the best possible start we pre-screen both parents for genetic faults inherent in their breed. |
generationsspecializing in mini to medium size range
As Goldendoodles are a cross between two purebred dogs, there are different ways to describe the percentages of how they were bred. Though breeders vary slightly in their definitions of size, we use the following measurements:
Multigenerational Goldendoodles: Any breeding higher then F1B.
- In essence, a Doodle bred to Doodle. Overall, most multigenerational puppies from reputable breeders are consistent in build, coat quality, size, temperament, and even color!